47. Save $100+ per month – Have (young) children spend time with other family members
Have children stay with your (grand)parents (for instance, 2 weeks out of 4 or only during weekends) saves money while you still collect the child support.
Or, save on babysitting like, get your (grand)mother come babysit at your place.
Maximize child support, like if children live in with you (again), get child support for them, don’t lose or miss out on the government subsidies for child support.
If you don’t have children yet, wait until 30 or later to get children. Even if you and your girlfriend are buying a house and paying the mortgage, children cost as much as a house. And if you get children, limit it up preferably to 2 children, earning child support these days is no money-maker anymore as it used to be 30 years ago.
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