236. Make $10,000+ per month - Become video creator with social media

As you know, there is a lot of interest from companies to create videos online to promote their website, their products or services, etc.

Or a video of the introductory logo of the website of the company on its homepage.

Or a video to promote job positions.

Or a video of the products or services or to market them, like video ads for Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok, etc

What if you create a video for your YouTube channel, Tiktok channel or Instagram followers, or Facebook fan followers whereby you promote a (corporate) website, or to promote company products or services or to promote job positions.

You can charge from $100 - $2,000+ for each video that you share with your 100,000 to 1 million followers on YouTube, Facebook fans, Instagram followers, etc

Just create a video whereby you explain to companies or website owners, you create the video for them and you share it with your YouTube/Tiktok, Instagram followers, etc

The more followers you have, the more you can ask for a promotional video.

If for example you have 1 million YouTube subscribers, or 1 million Instagram or TikTok followers, you can ask $1,000-$2,000 per video.

If you get 5 clients per month you make an extra $5,000-$10,000 per month!

You can create your own website alongside your YouTube/Tiktok channel or Instagram/Facebook followers for clients to buy your promotional video. If you make $1,000 per client, and the marketing of the website to get a client is only $100, you book $900 per client profit!

Also, celebrities can create music videos to promote with their 1+ million followers/subscribers and ask anything between $1,000 - $1 million.

For example, the song "Start me up" of the Rolling Stones was licensed for $5 million by Microsoft for launching their Windows 95 operating system.
Celebrities could create songs for Walmart for example, to make this company/brand popular.

Instagram and YouTube should allow their clients/users to create promotional videos for them and companies can contact Google, Facebook (Meta) to create promotional videos by the owners for their clients.

For example, a 1 million YouTube subscribers channel, offers $1,000 video promotion, shared with their subscribers, that's new revenue for Google.

If 10 clients per month pay each $1,000 for the 1 million+ YouTube subscribers, then that's $10,000 per month of revenues for Google for one single YouTube account.

Same way, Instagram and Tiktok, should create this business model and turn Instagram into a video platform.

Also check out this website: Video Maker, videobolt.net, you can become simply a video editor for companies and ask $100 to create a video ad.

Also on Fiverr, you can find video producers/creators at low prices.

You can post your gig of let's say 1 million YouTube/Tiktok/Instagram followers/subscribers promotion for $200 on Fiverr ad or on other 50+ gig platforms and 50+ influencer platforms. Also check out: TOP 55 sponsered post networks

If you can do this video gig promotion by Google or Tiktok or Instagram directly, then that's a multi-billion revenues plus business model for Google and Facebook (Meta).

For example, YouTube subscribers list their price for how much money they create and promote promotional YouTube videos on their subscriber channel, and Google takes 20% profit.

So companies can contact Google for a 1-5 minutes+ video promotion of a client company on YouTube and the YouTube user gets paid same way as Google Adsense. And not just $2-$4 per 15 second 1,000 ad views currently, but much more, like $10-$20 per 1,000 3-5 minute ad views. The video ad gets clicked and delivers $1-$2 in click revenues.

Also check out idea nr. 202: $$$$$$$ >> Turn Instagram into a money-making ponzi - Become millionaire with Instagram in 1 year time!

Also check out idea nr. 238: $$$$$$$$ >> Make $10,000+ per month easily - Do affiliate marketing with Instagram users for your digital products like ebook. Make money with zero investment

Also check out idea nr. 90: $$$ >> Make $2,000+ per month – Become an Make-Money-Become-Millionaire consultant!

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77.$$$ >> Make $1 million+ over 20-30 years – Become a millionaire – Purchase foreclosed properties, renovate them, and resell them for profit or rent them out

118.$$$ >> Make $1 million in 24 years investing $1,000 per month in dividend stocks

148.$$$$$$$ >> Make 100% return per year on the stock markets with FinViz stock screener - Turn $5,000 into $600,000+ in 12 months time!

154.$$$$$$$ >> How to turn $100 into $1 million in less than 2 years time on the internet - Fastest way to become an internet millionaire!

Don't have a job? No problem!

140.$$$$$ >> Make $1,000+ per month - Make $30/hour testing websites

141.$$$$$ >> Make $1,000 per month - Make an easy $1,000 per month online

124.$$$ >> Make $1,000 - $10,000 per month with TaskRabbit
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Tell your family and friends, about this website, and ask them only $200 per month for you reviewing the hundreds ideas of this website with them and become their financial adviser! You get 10-30 clients in no time and you make $2,000-$6,000+ per month in no time!
Quit working 9 to 5 for a boss! Please check all 241 ideas and you become millionaire!
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