167. Boost companies their ROI on internet marketing 10-fold - Become an internet marketing consultant - Become a millionaire within 2 years time
As you know, many companies are clueless when it comes to internet marketing.
Many companies solely depend on Google Adwords which may cost $1 per visitor.
What it comes down to is the return on investment, the number of conversions (of visitors into sales) for companies. So even if you get cheap traffic, you still need conversions, so the sale of the products or services of the company on the internet.
Even if you choose traditional advertising companies like Google Adwords, Microsoft Bing Ads or Facebook Advertising, you can be the expert to get visitors at 10 cents per click from these companies instead of at $1 per click usually.
Some companies have only $1,000 per month of budget on internet marketing, other companies have $10,000ds per month of budget.
You help them get the most out of their internet budget.
For local advertising, thus not nationwide, but tailored to a specific city, like promoting a restaurant in New York, you have to be doing Facebook Advertising.
You can get clicks for 10 cents and maybe cheaper.
Depending on the work involved, whether it's a small $1,000 per month budget, or a big $10,000 per month budget, you can ask between $299, $499 and $999 per month for your internet marketing consultancy.
You run the internet advertising budget of the company and you get maximum conversions on their budget, per tested internet advertising source. Like you test different internet advertising companies with small budgets first like a $100 per month budget and you check the results of each campaign. Your mission is to boost the ROI on their internet marketing budget 10x fold.
As soon as you achieve in your mission to find the right internet advertising companies to spend the internet marketing budget of the company on, and you get 10x fold ROI for them, they can invest much more money, much more budget into these advertising companies because it will boost their sales 10x fold, so they spend less money on other marketing budgets and spend more money on these specific tailored internet marketing targets.
Be aware there are many scam companies for doing internet advertising, so before you sign up for your advertising test budget with a company, check Google Search and search for "review company XYZ" or "scam company XYZ". Other people will write reviews on these companies and will let you know whether they are a quality source of traffic or not.
You can contact website owners or companies to let them know you are the internet marketing expert on helping them out find the best sources of traffic for their company website.
You may get 3 customers the first month, 100 customers in 1 year (making you $30,000-$100,000 per month), it depends on your success with companies to boost their ROI on internet marketing budgets. Create a professional looking website with your background info and testimonials of companies that you successfully improved their revenues.
You don't have to be a SEO (search engine optimization) expert, just an internet marketing expert who knows what traffic sources convert well and who knows how companies to best spend their internet marketing budget on.
Many companies especially those with smaller budgets, don't have the expertise to test out the many different traffic sources, and they stick to Google Adwords at $1 per click, then there is where you come in as the internet marketing expert. You run their internet marketing campaigns for them as efficiently as possible with 10x fold more ROI.
You can run this business into a $1 million per year business within 2 years time.