173. Dating on AirBnb - Easiest way to make money while dating people - Have them book a stay with you - Make $100-$500 per day or $3,000-$15,000 per month

Here is the easiest way to date and make money:

As you know, you can rent out your house or bedroom on AirBnb.com.

What if you offer a date (like for single women), no sex obligatory, but a date to get to know you, like you cook for them, you go out with them, you get to know them better.

You take pictures of yourself and of your bedroom/house and ask $100-$200 per date, per day!

Your friends, for example, can book a date with you on AirBnb.com

This is no sex date, you write it is a friendly date, unless you want to go further.

You ask them to book a stay on AirBnb.com, they pay you $100-$200 per day.

If you are extremely pretty you can ask more, like $300-$500 per day.

They pay you via AirBnb.com

How to market? You can ask your Facebook, Instagram and Tinder friends (one-by-one, not a post to everybody), if they want to book a stay with you on AirBnb.com, in order to get to know you.

You can do this together with your girlfriend(s), at the same place when they book, so you are safe if your girlfriend is there too.

To ensure you don't get strangers like men you don't like to book your AirBnb, you ask them to first give you their Facebook/Instagram/Tinder profile, or they call on the phone with you, you ask their number.

You can also meet men at bars, so you get to know them first, then you ask them, if you want to go further on a date with them, to book a night/stay on AirBnb.com like for $100-$500 per day.

That is probably the best solution. You are not a prostitute to ask money, but they can spend a day or several days with you by booking on AirBnb.com your room/house and they date with you and you can cook for them for example, which is also added value!

The only problem of this idea, is that they know where you live, so they could stalk you. So be careful to which friends or people you offer your AirBnb.com room, plus ask your grilfriend(s) to be there too when you first meet your date! If you want to date your Facebook, Instagram or Tinder friends, this is your chance!

To solve this problem, unless you date with selected men, you could rent an apartment/house for $1,000-$1,500 per month (or $30-$50 per day)  or an AirBnb.com house with your girlfriend(s) that is separate of your own place and is only to meet with dates! Even if you pay $100 per day on AirBnb.com, you and your girlfriend(s) can use the house to meet with dates at $100-$500 per day! Post your own AirBnb.com room (copy of the house you rent at AirBnb.com) and you can make money! Be careful, some AirBnb.com people don't like you to date with their house!

You could even rent a hotel room for $100 per night (or discounted rooms for 7 days for $50 per day), take pictures of it (copy pictures of the hotel website on your AirBnb profile), and post it as an AirBnb.com room, where you make $200+ per day!

Conclusion: you can make $100-$500+ per day dating men on AirBnb.com! That's $3,000-$15,000 per month of income. If you are very pretty, you can quit your day time job and make money dating men!

Even better, you can rent a $3,000-$5,000 4-5 bedroom house with your 3 pretty girlfriends, and you post 3 rooms at $200+ per day per girlfriend on AirBnb of the house. Then you jointly make $600+ per day of income and you share the rent between the 3 girls, that's $18,000+ per month of income! For $5,000 per month you can rent a castle of a house with swimming pool, etc. Or pay $200-$250 per day on renting a big house on AirBnb! You can even hire a friend as your personal bodyguard for $100 per day or $3,000 per month! And the job of your bodyguard friend is also to market your AirBnb profile(s) on the internet and on your social media profiles, so each day you are fully booked! You can also, with 3 girls, go to a club where you date men to ask them to book your AirBnb room(s). And if you charge $250 per day per room (x3), or $50 more (or $150 per day of more budget) and you hire a girlfriend for cooking and you pay her $100 per day or $3,000 per month, you offer free food to your guests as well: hotel + restaurant (= free food + drinks) + date for $250 per day!

This is also possible between men (like gay men) or lesbians, or for men seeking women. If you are a handsome or interesting dude, you can ask a date with women on AirBnb.com as well!

The best part is, you tell your date, don't book a hotel room, come to my place and book my AirBnb.com room! Don't waste your money on hotels!

Even better, if you decide to continue with your date, ask him/her to live in with you...and you share your rent or mortgage payments!

You can also rent out one or more rooms as a hotel-restaurant on AirBnb for $150 per day whereby you cook for guests and they stay to sleep.

Or rent out one or more rooms for body-beauty care and massage salon on AirBnb for $100-$150 per day whereby you make women pretty to go out and they sleep over. (Women can go out, and you make them pretty first, and they sleep over for $100-$150 per day, like during the weekend)

Or rent out one or more rooms as a nursing home on AirBnb for $100 per day, whereby you take care of the elderly.

Distribute business cards: distribute 200 business cards to get 20 clients or more. This is cheap marketing!

Also check out idea nr. 66: $$$ >> Make $1,000+ per month – For single women: Sell your contact details and personal website to men at bars and clubs in return for money

Also check out idea nr. 90: $$$ >> Make $2,000+ per month – Become an Make-Money-Become-Millionaire consultant!

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